

Each of the teams is shown below. Some teams are combined teams from two or three clubs.

Arena 80 arena80.tripod.com

Bexhill Runners and Triathletes www.bexhillrunnerstriathletes.co.uk/

Brighton Tri Club http://brightontri.org/

Central park athletics* http://centralparkathletics.co.uk/

Crowborough Runners www.crowboroughrunners.org.uk

Eastbourne Rovers/Bodyworks www.eastbourneroversac.co.uk, www.teambodyworks.com

Hailsham Harriers www.hailsham-harriers.org.uk

Hastings AC www.hastingsathleticclub.co.uk

Hastings Runners www.hastingsrunners.org.uk

Heathfield Road Runners/Uckfield Runners www.heathfieldroadrunners.com, www.uckfieldrunners.org.uk

HY AC www.hyac.co.uk

Lewes AC www.lewesac.co.uk

Meads Runners www.meadsrunners.co.uk

Run Wednesdays www.facebook.com/RunWednesdays

Polegate Plodders/Seafront Shufflers/Seaford striders/ www.polegateplodders.wixsite.com/polegate-ploddersRunTogether / Seafront Shufflers / Home , www.seafordstriders.org.uk

Tri Tempo www.tritempo.co.uk

Wadhurst Runners www.wadhurstrunners.co.uk

For club representatives see Committee tab

*Participating clubs based outside of East Sussex are not eligible for team or individual prizes.

Clubs wishing to join the league should contact the league at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..  New clubs can only be admitted prior to the start of the season and the request must be submitted before the end of August for consideration at the committee meeting held in early September.  Admission as a participating club is at the sole descretion of the committee. 


Tempo Eastbourne Specialist running shop www.temposhop.co.uk (Tempo provide the prizes awarded at the end of each season)  Tempo is currently offering a delivery service