
Date Event Results  
13 Oct 24 Eridge Park Individual pdfTeam pdf, Cumulative Men pdf, Cumulative Women pdf, Junior pdf, Cumulative Junior pdfAll xlsx  
24 Nov 24 Snape Wood Cancelled  
15 Dec 24 Newplace Park Individual pdfTeam pdf, Cumulative Men pdf, Cumulative Women pdf, Junior pdf, Cumulative Junior pdfAll xlsx  
12 Jan 25 Blackcap Lewes Individual pdfTeam pdf, Cumulative Men pdf, Cumulative Women pdf, Junior pdf, Cumulative Junior pdfAll xlsx  
16 Feb 25 Whitbread Hollow Individual pdfTeam pdf, Cumulative Men pdf, Cumulative Women pdf, Junior pdf, Cumulative Junior pdfAll xlsx  
16 Mar 25 Pett    

Note for individual awards it is top 4 results to score.

In the above table 'All xlsx' will download a multi tab Excel file with all the results: there is a tab for each of the 6 results sheets.  The pdfs are printed from the main file if you cannot view a multi tab Excel file on your device: eg a phone or tablet.  If you download All xlsx and can view on Excel you do not need to download the pdfs.  

Understanding Results 
Here is some brief guidance on how to understand the results

Race results: Senior

On the results after your name you have headers of Club, Club code, Team, Category, PTS, T Cat, and T PTS.

Club code will be either a code for the club or NS. NS means non scoring: either the runner is not a member of club or is a member of a club which does not participate in the league. If NS is under club then NS will also be shown under PTS.  Whilst the league is an open league only members of participating clubs can qualify for awards. 

Team: some teams are a single club in which case the Team code will be the same as the club code but some teams are combinations of 2 or 3 clubs. 

PTS is your individual points. For men 300 for first then 199 etc counting down (but excluding any NS: if only members of participating clubs): for ladies count down from 200. This is for all members of participating clubs. Awards are made for top 3 in each category 4 race to count at the last race (but you must complete at least 4 races): awards are only made to runners from participating clubs based in East Sussex.

T CAT is you team category. Teams consist of:
12 men: 4 senior, 3 M40, 3 M50, 2 M60, 6 Non Scoring
8 Ladies: 2 Senior, 2 F40, 2 F50, 2 F60, 4 non scoring
So M402 means the second M40 for a team. Team categories are in 10 year bands: so eg M40 and M45 individual bands score as M40.
Non soring means whilst you are not counted in the team you are included in the team points count: thus you push down other clubs runners. Team points run from 1 for 1st combined for men and women for all categories and Non scoring. non Scoring is Designated NSM1, NSM2... NSF1, NSF2 etc.

Runners can score in a lower category. Say you have 3 F40 then the third F40 can count as a SF if you do not have 2 quicker SF. 

NS under teams means either you are not a member of a participating club or if you are a member of a participating club you are not within the 20 in the team plus the 10 non scoring. This does not impact on your individual score or coming along and enjoying the event.

Race results: Junior
For juniors the results are sown by age category.  Points are awarded with the highest number for first position: the start count varies between categories

The Club code will only show if the runners is a member of a participating club

Unlike seniors any Junior can qualify for an award: there is no restriction to members of participating clubs.     

Cumulative results: Senior 
Shows the results for each race to date by age category male and female

Awards are made for top 3 in each category 4* races to count at the last race: awards are only made to runners from participating clubs based on East Sussex.  Accordingly the total will only show the result of up to 4* races (ie if more than 4* the best 4*).

You must complete at least 4 races to win an award. 

* The number of scoring races may be reduced to 3 if a race is cancelled

Cumulative results: Junior 
Shows the results for each race to date by age category male and female

Awards are made for top 3 in each category 4* races to count at the last race.  Accordingly the total will only show the result of up to 4* races (ie if more than 4* the best 4*).

You must complete at least 4* races to win an award. 

Unlike seniors any Junior can qualify for an award: there is no restriction to members of participating clubs.   

* The number of scoring races may be reduced to 3 if a race is cancelled

Cumulative results how positions are ranked  
Positions are ranked by number of points: highest first for both seniors and juniors. 

But what if two runners score the same points?  In this case a weighted ranking is used: the same approach is applied to both Seniors and Juniors.  Points are listed highest to lowest: the highest for each is compared: if one has a higher score that person is ranked ahead.  If the scores are equal the second scores are compares: if equal the third and if equal then the fourth (if 4 scoring races).  Note that the cumulative position and awards are based on the scoring races only: thus in ranking no account is taken of any additional races.  So if the there are 4 scoring races and all are equal the two runners will be ranked equally.
Illustration of how ranking is determined if two runners have equal points                  
  Runner A Runner B   Runner C Runner D   Runner E Runner F      
Race 1 78 85   109 85   102 85      
Race 2 76 83   88 83   95 78      
Race 3 109 102   No run 102   No run 102      
Race 4 115 95   115 95   115 95      
Race 5 88 120   No run 120   No run 120      
Race 6 120 115   120 115   120 115      
Total points 586 600   432 600   432 595      
Top 4 races 432 432   432 432   432 432      
Rank top 4 races in order                    
1 120 120 Equal go to next 120 120 Equal go to next 120 120 Equal go to next  
2 115 115 Equal go to next 115 115 Equal go to next 115 115 Equal go to next  
3 109 102 Runner A ranks higher 109 102 Runner A ranks higher 102 102 Equal go to next  
4 88 95   88 95   95 95 Still equal so rank equal  
  So A ranks ahead of B   So C ranks ahead of D   Rank Equally        

The above illustrates how the differentiation would be performed manually.  The actual ranking is determined automatically by the results model by applying a weighting adjustment with greater value adjustment assigned to the highest score a so forth. 

Where two runners do rank equally on weighted score they will be shown with the same rank with an = sign preceding the rank on both the cumulative results sheet and also if it is the final race on the awards sheet.  Note is from the last race of 23/24 previously an = sign was not shown.  If two runners have and equal score but different weighted scores they will not be shown with equal ranking.

This differentiation of equal scores is mainly needed because when it comes to awards we only have one award for each applicable position, however for consistency this is applies to all cumulative results.    However if two runners rank equally on the weighted score and win an award/trophy each will receive the same.  At the presentation only one awards will be available so an additional award will be given to the other runner later.  For juniors an additional trophy will be obtained, for seniors and additional voucher (if way equal 1st this will be for the difference in value between the first and second position voucher)   
Team results Senior only

Going from top to bottom 
1. At the top you have the scoring runners.  If a team position is not filled it scores last team scoring place (ie including the Non scoring categories) + 1.
2. below non scoring runners but they are counted in the team points count (see explanation above on Race Results Senior)
3. You then have Previous race point and total points.  Points are position ie 1 for 1st finish.
4. Key to participating clubs 
5. Reconciliation of points to position at each race.

The same schedule is provided:
1. For all participating teams
2. For East Sussex teams only: Since this is an East Sussex Cross country league only East Sussex based clubs can qualify for awards.        

Team results ranking

The same process is applied as that described from cumulative results above but for the team lower is better and all results rank.  So thus if the scores are equal a higher weighting is applied to the lowest scores etc.   If two teams rank equally on unweighted scores they will be shown with the same ranking but not = prefix: so if the two teams are 1st and 2nd they would both show position 1 but the team at the top would win the first place award (as they rank higher on the weighted score).  The prefix = will only be applied if the weighted scores are equal.
Of course there is only one first and one runner up trophy and these are permanent trophies so we cannot just get a second trophy.  Teh weighte scoring is intended to minmise the risk of two teams being equal 1st or 2nd but it could arise in which case the trophy would need to be shared.